Hold Yourself With Radical Love

Soften self-judgment and discover your own nurturing presence through this gentle and powerful audio mini-course.

Hold Yourself With Radical Love is a portal into deeper relationship with yourself, and an invitation into a visceral, felt sense of love. A love that you can access at any time to hold yourself steady even in the midst of great struggle. It is radical, because in this course, you’ll learn exactly how to love precisely the places within you that you most want to avoid, to fix, to deny, and to numb away.

Over 10 powerful audio sessions (13-35 minutes each) that you can stream or download, you’ll gently investigate your relationship with yourself and practice invaluable skills to transform your inner judge into a loving inner guide.

You’ll learn the F.A.C.E. method, my powerful four-step process that teaches you exactly how to meet every edge within yourself with radical love, leaving you with tools to last a lifetime.

XO, Catherine

"There are not enough stars to give this course the rating it deserves. It is truly a life changing/life giving gift to all that seek to expand their experience of love for themselves and in turn the world around them. My gratitude for Catherine’s gentle guidance and profound wisdom goes beyond what words can express. I’m clear that the tools she’s provided will be with me and will impact generations to come."

- Ginger

"I am unbelievably grateful for this course. Each lesson was filled so much support and love. I want to go through things again and keep coming back to pieces that stood out to me. This helped me to step out of victimization and start the process of loving myself with Grace."

- Aubree

By the end of this course,

you will have…

  • made the radical shift from control to care of yourself- and others

    by lovingly disrupting our culturally-enabled tendency to equate control with success and safety
  • created a precious anchor of safety within your own body

    so that you can increase your capacity and resilience for sitting with discomfort
  • learned the F.A.C.E. practice

    to uncover and heal the roots of any difficult experience and meet all parts of yourself with radical love
  • realized how you can weave radical love into your everyday life

    and take this course beyond the realm of inner work to impact how you show up in your interpersonal relationships

Hold Yourself With Radical Love includes:

  • 10 powerful audio lessons between 13-35 minutes each
  • Over 3.5 hours of content total

  • Option to stream or download the MP3 of every lesson

  • Comment boxes on each lesson to ask Catherine your questions

"Catherine’s work is so compassionate and kind that I’ve been able to skillfully approach parts of my pain I’d been squelching for decades. She has given me several powerful tools for holding and dissipating sticky, protective armor I’ve constructed. I definitely recommend."

- Christine

"So deeply gentle, loving and impactful. Catherine’s work has resonated with me on so many levels and the vulnerability, honesty and compassion she shares and connects with is so necessary in today’s world. I will continue to go over this course because it isn’t a “quick fix”, it’s tender and beautiful and sometimes challenging but I know that my life and that of those in it are going to benefit greatly from this practice"

- Gabrielle

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and pay according to your need (suggested $20, $40, or $70+ levels)

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What’s Inside Hold Yourself With Radical Love


Lesson 1

Uncovering The Love That We Are

In this lesson, we learn how to gently discern our armor from our essence. Our armor is the collection of traits that we developed as a young child in order to receive what we considered love and approval in our family and culture of origin. As we mature, we form an inner judge to keep our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors within this socially acceptable box. The cost of identifying with our armor is great, for it obscures the full spectrum of our aliveness, prevents us from receiving love from others, and disconnects us from the love that is our own essence..

Lesson 2

From Control to Care

Now that we have identified our inner judge and the armor that has kept us safe, we open to what is possible beyond this lens of controlling ourselves. In this lesson, you'll learn how to cultivate a new and deeply loving attitude toward your inner experience. In a guided journey, you'll practice making the powerful shift from control to care of the things you most wish to change about yourself.

Lesson 3

The Anchor of Safety

In this lesson, we learn how to identify and attune to an anchor of safety within our embodied felt senses. By creating this lifeline of deep care for ourselves, we can approach our inner explorations with a powerful gentleness that restores the nervous system. Because the work of FACE can bring difficult emotions or memories to the surface, it is essential to first create a refuge to which we can return at any point in the process.

Lesson 4

Introduction to FACE

This lesson describes the FACE process, which is how we bring the conscious and subconscious minds into agreement using the power of radical love. Through FACE (Feel, Amplify, Connect, and Embrace), we identify the wounded subconscious parts of ourselves that drive our control strategies, and show these parts the radical love that they need. At the end of the lesson is an invitation to respond to two journal prompts.

Lesson 5

The First Part of FACE: Feel and Amplify

In this lesson, we demystify and practice the first two steps of FACE: Feel and Amplify. These steps invite us into an embodied memory of a present-day situation that we wish to explore through FACE, feeling and opening into the body sensations and emotions that are present in that specific moment. Because we live in a culture driven by the avoidance of uncomfortable emotions and body sensations, this initial part of FACE can be quite challenging, and also holds profound rewards.

Lesson 6

The Second Part of FACE: Connect and Embrace

This lesson is a deep dive into the second two steps of FACE: Connect and Embrace. This part of FACE opens a portal to our embodied intuition where we encounter and heal an early experience in our lives that lies at the root of a present-day struggle. In becoming the radically loving Empathic Witness to the neglected pain of our young self, we unfreeze and repair old defensive strategies that have become roadblocks in our adult lives.

Lesson 7

FACE Practice 1: Healing the Roots

This lesson is our first full-length FACE practice. In this gentle and powerful meditation, we begin by invoking a recent trigger, compulsion, or behavior that we wish to heal at the roots. Moving through the four steps of FACE (Feel, Amplify, Connect, and Embrace), we uncover the hidden origins of this behavior and hold the younger version of ourselves with radical love.

Lesson 8

Discerning Inner Guide From Wounded Child

Now that you've experienced the FACE practice and its components, you may have noticed some roadblocks in the process. In this lesson, Catherine describes two common places where we may become stuck, both arising out of an over-identification with the wounded child, as opposed to the Inner Guide. As a way to get unstuck, Catherine guides you in a short and highly effective practice, "The Couch Exercise," which gently and powerfully places us back in the seat of the radically loving, resourced adult.

Lesson 9

FACE Practice 2: Softening Barriers To Love

In this second full-length FACE practice, we embody the Rumi quote, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it, and embrace them." We begin with a recent memory of bracing against love, and move through the four steps of FACE to soften towards the wounded part of ourselves that is the root of our armor.

Lesson 10

Radical Love Embodied

In our final lesson, we review what we've learned thus far and expand the impact of radical love into our embodied lived experience, which includes far more than our individual selves. By opening our eyes to the vast interconnectedness of life, we realize that by holding ourselves with radical love, we cannot help but create a more compassionate world. As we rest in the truth of interdependence, we release the heavy burdens of individualism and discover true belonging.

Hi, I'm Catherine.


I'm a holistic mental health coach and a passionate teacher of radical love, helping people face their darkest inner landscapes with transformational care.

My work combines my own intimate lived experience with inner child healing, trauma repair, ancient wisdom, and social justice.

Most people know me as a teacher on the Insight Timer app and through my podcast, Tender Revolution.

I am beyond grateful to live with my family on Duwamish and Coast Salish land, also known as Seattle.

Enroll Now in Hold Yourself With Radical Love

and pay according to your need (suggested $20, $40, or $70+ levels)

Click below to choose your payment amount and access the course:

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